Bookbinders Victoria                                       

Po Box 1166 Kensington Vic 3031                     

Reg A2896  ABN 97853169281


Have you ever wondered how a book is made? 


In this one-day class you try your hand at making


a simple case-bound notebook.


Non-members and beginning book designers and makers are welcome.

Introduction to Bookbinding.

Presenter Jim Finger

Date:  Saturday 28 May

Class size 5

Time:  10am - 4pm  


Venue: Hall at the rear of West Hawthorn Uniting Church

10 Power St, Hawthorn (near corner of Barkers Road)

Parking: free parking is available at the rear via Grove Rd. 

 BYO lunch.  Coffee and tea provided. BYO tools if you have them, we will supply all materials.  You can bring your own tools that will be used knife, cutting matt, folder, needles, awls, ruler, otherwise we will provide them.

To secure a place payment is required  before 21 May.  Bank details below.

Workshop cost:

Members                   $100.00                                                                               

Non-Members            $120.00




Want to repair  some minor damage to a book?


Not sure where to start? 


Introduction to Book Repairs 

1/2 Day workshop

Presenter: Debra Parry Conservator

Date:  Saturday   June 11th 2022                       

Time:  1pm - 5pm  


Venue: Hall at the rear of West Hawthorn Uniting Church

10 Power St, Hawthorn (near corner of Barkers Road)

Parking: free parking is available at the rear via Grove Rd. 

 BYO lunch.  Coffee and tea provided. BYO tools if you have them, we will supply all materials.  You can bring your own tools that will be used knife, cutting matt, folder, needles, awls, ruler, otherwise we will provide them.

 To secure a place payment is required by 4 June

 Workshop cost:

Members                   $100.00                                                                               

Non-Members            $120.00


 By internet banking please use the following details:

Account Name:

Victorian Bookbinders Guild Inc.  

BSB: 033-624                                     Acc No: 139327

Please use CASEBOOK, your initial and last name as a statement reference

 Or by cheque or postal order payable to:

Victorian Bookbinders’ Guild - Workshop, PO Box 1166, Kensington, Vic 3031

Enquiries or bookings :  email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.