Membership of the Victorian Bookbinders Guild, Inc
Our online application form is not yet available, please contact the President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer, if you require more information.
Aims of the Guild:
The Guild aims to foster and develop skills in bookbinding, book making and book arts, including creative arts, traditional skills, and conservation practices.
Membership is financial year 1 July to 30 June.
Cost $50.00 per single $60.00 per family.
Applications should be made on the online web form or on printed forms at the meetings.
Payment can be made by bank transfer to The Guild account with the applicants name as reference. For other methods contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Members receive 3 Newsletters per year, usually by email. Those without email, printed copies may be available. (b&w). Members of course will receive updates and special notices by email, and the website contains articles of interest on bookbinding . Submissions of articles for publication either online or in print are welcome and can be sent to the webmaster. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Members meetings usually February, March, April, May , July, August September, October November. 4th Tuesday of each Month. Daytime 1-5 Open Bindery, times change according to members demand. 6pm Committee meeting. 7 Pm general meeting check notices each month.
Classes run on various topics an on various days according to demand.
The meetings are 4th Tuesday of the meeting months, at 7 pm. Our regular meeting place is Bindery Rear of St Faiths Anglican Church , parking at the rear.
Meetings usually consist of Book Clinic where we examine books in need of repair, or for guidance of design ideas. Where possible guest speakers, and guest demonstrators will attend meetings. Often meetings have a special mini workshop component, or members sharing a particular technique, or a preview of workshops.
The Guild has an extensive library of books on various aspects of bookbinding. These are available to members attending the meetings.
The Guild runs a members materials buying scheme which endeavours to make available to members, materials and supplies which may not be freely available in small quantities. The service operates at the meetings. Also materials made available to the Guild by donations are offered in this service.
At the AGM each year we elect the committee for the following year. Only Members may vote at the annual General Meeting usually held at the July Meeting, and serve on the committee.
We also host a buy swap and sell event, usually at the AGM, to make materials and equipment available to members, and to allow members to sell excess materials.
Other special meetings may be held as social meetings, meetings with other groups, and special interest events.
Workshops are conducted upon demand, and preference will be given to members for positions in the workshops. At times , overseas or visiting speakers will conduct workshops to increase the range of skills available to members. Workshops are priced on the basis of the cost of the service, materials and hall rental. At times workshops are offered in different locations. A number of beginners first class workshops are offered at subsidised prices to members, and are offered as demand dictates.