Greetings to all.
Maurice Betteridge was a member of the Guild and passed away early this year 2020. Maurice was an interesting man with a passionate interest in Christianity, being over time a minister, and the head of several Christian organizations, and including a time as Principle of Ridley College in Melbourne. With this came a strong interest in books, book collecting, and bookbinding. His chief interest was his collection of historic Bibles, most of which he restored, and which now reside in a special collection at Ridley College Library. But Maurice collected widely in related fields, and many of those books have been given to the Guild, some to be added to the Guild Library, and the others to be sold to raise funds for the future operations of the Guild.
I have chosen to list the collection in its entirety, as it reveals something of the nature of the owner. The lists will appear online showing the Guild Library items as already sold. I have done this for those curious about the breadth of the collection, but without the Christian Books and Bibles have already been sent to Ridley. I hope to provide a list of those in due course for those interested in such historic works.
We have labelled these as the Maurice Betteridge Collection, and are offering these to members and those of the book loving community. I have chosen the prices by a comparison of what's available worldwide, and chosen the mid range prices for similar description of quality. I hope my choices are to your liking. The prices listed do not attract GST. Members will receive a discount on the prices listed. Freight can be arranged.
We do not have a shopping cart. If you want to order, send me an email, with a list of the book numbers, plus any questions about the titles if you have them. Extra large photos are shown in the Maurice Betteridge Photo Gallery on the home page. Upon receipt of the order, I will reserve the books showing them online as sold, give the details for the payment by direct deposit along with tracking references, and arrange with you how to get them to you. If you need more information email me and I will reserve and send any additional information. Sale of the books is final and no refunds are offered if the books are not as you require. Ask first please, as we are volunteers not book sellers. All reports are to the best of our knowledge.
All sales will be accompanied by a detailed VBG invoice and receipt. At present the collection of 14 boxes is at my home in Belgrave for contactless pickup. We hope that you will find something to enjoy. There is about 150 items on the list so be prepared to do a bit of scrolling down. The box numbers are so I can find them when you order!!. Don't hesitate to ask questions or send comments.
For more information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
My regards Jim.
Box 1 Engraving and illumination MBC001 Christopher Hamel , Disbound and Dispersed The Leaf Book Considered 2005 Caxton Club 152pp a4 dj mint $240.00 sold |
MBC002 Albert Garrett British Engraving of the 20th century 1980 scolar press a4 223pp vg $72.00 |
MBC003 Christopher Hamel Rothchilds Collection of Illuminated Manuscripts 2005 british library74pp dj $72.00 sold |
MBC004 James Thorpe, and Simon Marmison book of hours Huntington press 2005 a5 38pp17 plates fine dj plus Huntington leaflet $72.00 |
MBC005 Margaret Manion Bernard Muir Medieval Texts and Images 1991 harwood academic small a4pp224 fine signed authors $108.00 sold |
MBC006 Daniel De Simone, ed Seven Perspectives on Woodcuts 2008 Lib of Congress sm a4 106pp PB fine$72.00 |
MBC007 David Hodnett. Five Centuries of English Book Illustration 1988 Scolar press a4 364pp dj fine $72.00 sold |
MBC008 James Hamiltion Arthur Rackham A life with iillustration 1990 pavillion books pp199 dj fine $ 72.00 sold |
MBC009/10 David Chambers and Joan Hassall engravings and Drawings 1985 pinner 160pp fine no dj $60.00 |
MBC011/12 Edward Hodnett English woodcuts 1480-1535 1973 oxford up a4 483pp plus adds and corr 1973 82pp no dj $48.00 |
MBC013 Arthur M Hind an introduction to a History of Woodcut 2 vols 1963 Dover a5 PB 850ppplus adds 2 vol vg no dj $60.00 |
MBC014 Arthur M Hind a History of Engraving and Etching from 15th to 1914 1963 dover a5 pb 487pp plus adds $15 |
MBC015 Walter Crane Of the decorative illustration of books old and new first 1896 this ed 1979 bell and hyman a5 244pp dj fine $36.00 sold |
MBC016 Lewis Grewn, ed George Mackley wood engraver 1981 gresham books a4 136pp dj fine $85.00 |
MBC017 Albert Garrett A history of British Wood Engraving 1978 midas books a4 407pp dj fine $60.00 |
Box 2 Catalogues printing history MBC017 Christies The Evelyn Collection 4 volumes 1977 including printed and hand written prices realized. spines all sunned spine vol iv damaged due to inserted Catalogue A20 Blackwells 1981 sale. Good to very good small a4 $240.00 sold as a set |
MBC020/21 Nicholas Barker Bibliotheca Lindesiana 1878 roxbrurghe club a4 pp415 plus chart 2nd printing no dj $85.00 sold |
MBC022 Joseph Blumenthal Art of the Printed Book 1974 bodley head b/w plates from the Pierpoint Morgan USA b/w plates library large a4 193pp very good -fine chipped dj $100.00 sold |
MBC023 Edward, Sulivan Bart and Johan Adolf Brun the Book of Kells 1986 studio editions large a4 158pp 24 cp dj rubbed otherwise fine $34.00 |
MBC024 Harthan, John Books of Hours 1977 thames and Hudson large a4 192pp 72cp dj fine $120.00 |
MBC025 Backhouse, Janet The Illuminated Page, Ten Centuries of Manuscript Painting. 1997 British library large a4 240pp most with colour plates dj rubbed slightly otherwise fine $60.00 |
MBC026 Sheppard Gerald the Geneva bible 1989 pilgrim press large a4 PB about 300pp vg spine sunned no dj $18.00 |
MBC027 Barker, Nicholas Press and the Spread of Learning 1978 OUP large A4 332pp mainly bw illust fine $84.00
MBC028/29 Christopher de Hamel and Richard A Linethal, eds Fine Books and Book Collecting, fine books and manuscripts described by his customers on the occasion of his seventieth birthday 1981 James Hall large a4 pp73 b/w illust copy signed by author, and including a personal letter describing the design of the book and the relationships of some people mutual friends. Also a Copy of Alan Thomas quotation in 1989. Fine $36.00 sold |
MBC030/31 Nixon, Howard. the Gardners Pasetaunce(original 1512) london1985 the roxburghe club a4 pp75 b/w illustrations fine with glassine sleeve on brown cloth fine plus additional Westminster abbey service of thanksgiving 1983 for the author. $36.00 Sold |
MBC032 Miller, Malcolm. Chartres the cathedral and old town guide book 1981 with additional b/w postcard. VG $12.00 |
Box 3 Thomas and other book collectors MBC033 Alan Thomas Great Books and Book Collectors 1975 Weidenfeld and Nicholson London large a4 pp 280 colour and b/w plates pp276 has printers stain dj chipped and cloth cover rubbed vg $60.00 Sold |
MBC034 Krause H P A rare book saga the auto bio of HP. 1978 putnams new York a5 386pp dj rubbed oth fine $54.00 sold |
MBC035 Walton, Izaak the compleat angler(originals 1653) illust Arthur Rackham this ed weathervane books NY no date new edition a4 224pp b/w engravings 2 cp j rubbed otw fine $30.00 sold |
MBC036/37 Pollard, Alfred W. Early Illustrated Books 1893 revised ed 1917 Kegan, Paul, Tench, Trubner and co London a5 254pp paper fragile cover worn interior annotatedby A M Hind binding good $35.00 sold |
MBC038 Southerbys Catalogue Books of the late Alan Thomas 1993 large a4 PB pp291 plus adds. Includes sold price list very good $36.00 |
MBC039 H P Kraus the Sixteen Century selected books Catalogue 170 1988 sale catalogue autographed to MB A4 pp100 fine $20.00 sold |
MBC040 William Blades Enemies of Books 1888 Elliot Stock London wide a5 pp167 TEG interesting provenance in pencil and annotated repaired and rebacked MB 2006 $35.00 sold |
The Library a periodical $10.00 |
MBC044 Alan Thomas Fine Books Pleasures and Treasures 1967 george Weidenfeld and Nicholson Frankfurt square format 210 x 210 mm pp120 b/w and colour plates with a collection of letters re Alan Thomas The Library sixth series volume xi dec 1989 a cloth hand bound set of notes a5 good $55.00 sold |
MBC045/46 Bishop Burnetts History of his own time a new edition 1838 william smith London a5 949 pp handbound by MB from his library vg $120.00 |
MBC047/48 Alan g Thomas sales catalogues in 5 volumes 1961-1985 with vol 5 fine books Handbound by MB for his personal library, fine $120.00 sold |
Box 4 Bookbinding
MBC049/50 Middleton, Bernard A history of English Craft Bookbinding Technique 1963 this 2nd ed 1978 Holland press A5 pp326 plus 12 b/w plates no dustjacket cloth fine $84.00 |
MBC051/52 Middleton, Bernard the Restoration of Leather Bindings 3rd ed 1998 oak knoll press a4 304pp leather spine sunned otw fine $84.00 sold |
MBC053/54 Marrow, Linethal and Noel eds The Medieval Book Glosses from the friends and collegues of Christopher de Hamel 2010 Hes and De Graff Netherlands pp467 no dj otw fine $90.00 sold |
MBC055 Marianne Tidcombe ed Twenty Five Gold Tooled Bindings an international tribute to Bernard Middletons Recollections 1997 oak Knoll press A4 pp72 Half leather marbled sides in slipcase by MB spine sunned. Otw fine $90.00 Reserved for Guild Library |
MBC056 Midddleton Bernard C A life in Bookbinding 2000 oak knoll press a4 126pp cloth dj fine $60.00 sold |
MBC057 Mirjam M Foot The history of bookbinding as a mirror of society 1997 the panizzi lectures British library a5 pp 134 with b/w plates PB VG $60.00 Reserved for Guild Library |
MBC058 Mirjam M Foot Bookbinders at work Their roles and methods 2006 oak knoll sm a4 163pp cloth col plts dj fine $240.00 Reserved for Guild Library |
MBC059 Mirjam M Foot Studies in the history of bookbinding 1993 scolar press sm a4 pp467 b/w plates cloth no dj fine $180.00 Reserved for Guild Library |
MBC060 Mirjam M Foot The decorated Bindings in Marsh’s Library Dublin 2004 ashgate large a5 pp130 cloth no dj fine $48.00 Reserved for Guild Library |
Set MBC061/62/63/64/65
Mirjam M Foot A collection of Bookbindings Vol 1 Studies in the History of Bookbinding 1978 british library a4 pp351 trade leather spine cloth sides. Maggs bros add for 2nd vol attached Mirjam M Foot A collection of Bookbindings Vol 2 A catalogue of Norh-European Bindings 1983 british library a4 pp446 different binding to vol 1 cloth sides. Fine Mirjam M Foot A collection of Bookbindings Vol 3 A catalogue of South-European Bindings 210 British Library and oak knoll a4 pp 526 different binding to 2 previous vols Fine $360.00 Sold as a set Reserved for Guild Library |
MBC066/67 Nixon, Howard M Sixteenth Century Gold Tooled Bookbindings In the Pierpoint Morgan Library 1971 New York a4 264 pp cloth no dj very good $180.00 Reserved for Guild Library |
MBC068 McDonnell, Joseph Five Hundred Years of the art of the Book in Ireland 1997 National Gallery of Ireland a4 176 pp mainly colour cloth dj rubbed otw fine $84.00 Reserved for Guild Library |
MBC069/70 Fletcher, W. Y FSA Bookbinding in France 1894 seeley and co London a4 80pp colour plates Half leather modern binding (MB?) with barbled sides spine faded good $120.00 Reserved for Guild Library |
Box 5 Book selling and printing
MBC071 Giles Mandelbrote ed Out of Profit into Print, a history of the rare and second hand book trade 2006 british library a4414pp cloth dj rubbed otw fine $48.00 sold |
MBC072 Stienberg, s.h Five Hundred Years of Printing new ed rev John Trevitt sm a4 262pp PB fine $30.00 sold |
MBC073 Jones, Michael Wynn George Cruikshank His life and London 1978 Macmillan sm a4 112 pp dj cloth fine $20.00 |
MBC074/75 Armstrong, Elizabeth. Robert Estienne Royal Printer, an historical study of the Elder Stephanus. 1954 Cambridge UP a4 310pp embossed cloth missing dj and one corner bumped very good. $30.00 |
no pic |
MBC076/7 Johnson, AF Selected essays on books and printing 1970 Van Gent Amsterdam large a4 489pp cloth no dj fine $60.00 sold |
MBC078 Hamilton, Harlan W Doctor Syntax A silhouette of Willian Combe esq 1969 kent state up large a5 340pp cloth djchipped otw fine $20.00 |
MBC079/80 Eisenstein, Elizabeth L The printing Press as an Agent of change. 2 volumes 1979 Cambridge up sm a4 vol 1 1-452pp vol 2 453-794 matching set cloth dustjackets fine $120.00 sold |
Greg, W.W. A companion to Arber being a calendar of documents in Edward Arbers’s Transcripts of of the registers of the company o stationers London 1554-1640 1967 Oxford at clarendon press a5 451pp dj sl faded otw fine $100.00 |
MBC082 Johnes, Adrian The Nature of the Book, Print and Knowledge in the making 1998 Chicago UP sm a4 753pp cloth dj rubber otw fine. $36.00 sold |
MBC083/84 Gordon Duff, E A Century of the English Book Trade 1948 the Biographical Society London wide a5 pp200 untrimmed wide margins cloth spine with paper boards no dj pp200 very good $36.00 sold |
MBC085 Painter, George D. William Caxton a quincentenary Biography of England's First Printer 1976 Chatto and Windus London lg a5 227pp cloth with dj fine $24.00 sold |
MBC086 Blake, N. F. Caxton England's First Publisher 1976 Osprey publishing sm a4 pp220 cloth dj fine $20.00 |
MBC087 Robin Myers and Michael Harris eds Antiquaries, Book Collectors and the Circles of Learning 1996 St Pauls Bibliographies Winchester a5 pp165 printed paper covered boards no dj f] slight rubbing on the boards otw fine $30.00 sold |
MBC088 Boyd, Beverley Chaucer and the Medieval Book 1973 Huntington library large A5 i-xi 1-165 pp dj rubbed vg $20.00 sold |
Febvre, Lucien, and Martin, Henri-Jean The Coming of the Book, The impact of printing 1450-1800 1958 second ed 1976 NLB London a5 378pp $42.00 |
Carter, John ABC for Book Collectors 1974 ed Hart David Macgibbon London a5 211pp dj fine $20.00 Sold |
Printing Historical Society Journal No 11 1975-6 on cover internal says 1967/7 proceeding of caxton congress 1976 long a5 151pp inc adds etc wrappers no dj fine $15.00 sold |
MBC092 Southerbys Catalogue of Valuable printed books property of Prof S T Bindoff 1981 large a5 pp112 wrappers no dj estimates pamphlet included fine $30.00 |
MBC093 Swinnerton, Frank The Bookmans London 1969 ed john baker London a5 173pp cloth dj rubbed sl otw fine $25.00 Sold |
MBC094 Moran, James Wynkyn de Worde, Father Of Fleet Street 2003 British Library long A5 72pp cloth dj fine $25.00 Sold |
MBC095 Freeman, Arthur and Freeman, Janet Ing. Anatomy of an Auction, Rare books at Ruxley Lodge 1919, $25.00 |
MBC096 Wormald and Wright The English Library before 1700 $50.00 sold |
Box 6 Catalogues MBC097/98/99 Pollard and Redgrave A short Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England Scotland and Ireland, and of English books printed abroad 1475-1640 2nd edition 1986 all 320mm x 245mm. Vol 1 620pp, Vol 2 494pp, vol 3 405pp cloth. dj all sl marked fine (in 2005 the paid price was $795usd ) $600.00 |
MBC100/101 Quaritch, Bernard, Contributions towards a Dictionary of English Book Collectors. reprinted 1968 Burt Franklin NY sm a4 unpaginated ( maybe 300pages) cloth no dj vg $36.00 |
MBC102/103/104 Bennett, H S English Books and readers 1965 Cambridge UP 3 volumes 1475 -1557 337pp ( 2nd ed 1970), 1558-1603 320pp first ed , 1603 – 1640 253pp first ed. All in matching dj fine $150.00 |
Box 7 ungrouped MBC105 Pearson, David Books as History The importance of books beyond their texts. 2008 brit library a4 208pp colour cloth marbles (printed) ep dj fine $60.00 sold |
MBC106 Posner and Ta Shema Eds The Hebrew Book an historical survey 1975 leon Ameil pub Keter Publishing House Jerusalem.a4+ 230pp mainly b/w cloth ep faded dj damaged vg $25.00 Sold |
MBC107/8 Meiss, Millard Kirsch Edith W The Viconti Hours Biblioteca Nazional Florence 1972 Thames and Hudson a4- pp262 full colour plates throughout on parchment style art paper. Spine and slip cse faded vg-fine $30.00 sold |
MBC109 Nixon, Howard M Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College Cambridge Vol iv Bindings 1984 D S Brewer a4+ pp i-xxxii catalogue, pp1-45 Standard bindings, pp 52 Plates and facing text, Rubbings 3pp rubbings of tools. Cloth with Pepys crest with edges frayed otherwise fine $250. |
MBC110 Stocks, Bronwyn and Morgan, Nigel eds The Medieval Imagination. 2008 SLV and Macmillan 310 x 250mm 256pp gloss plates throughout paperback no dj fine $35.00 |
MBC111/12 Christopher de Hamel Glossed books of the Bible and the origins of the Paris Booktrade.1984 d.s.Brewer A4 pp105 plus 24 gloss b/w plates no dj cover grubby contents fine. $300.00 |
MBC113 Hodnett, Edward Image and Text Studies in the illustration of English Literature 1982 scolar a4- 271pp mainly engravings cloth dj damaged vg $50.00 |
MBC114/5 Unterkircher, F Le Livre Du Cueur DÁmours Espris 1975 Nationsl Library of Vienna Thames and Hudson a4- 14pp 34pp plates and commentary no dj matching slipcare in matching cloth with coat of arms on front and illumuinated plate on rear Fine $100.00 sold |
MBC116 Backhouse, Janet The illuminated manuscript 1979 Phaidon Oxford a4 80pp colour plates dj fine $20.00 |
MBC117 Millar, Eric G The Parisian Miniaturist Honore 1959 Faber and Faber a4- 31pp 8 tipped in cp dj chipped otw fine $15.00 |
MBC118 Avril. Francois Manuscript Painting at the Court of France the fourteenth Century 1310-1380, 1978 Chatto and Windus, a4 pp119 mainly colour plates PB wrappers illustrated fine $30.00 |
MBC119 Pacht, Otto. Book Illumination In the Middle ages An introduction 1986 Harvey Miller Oxford UP a4 223 pp mainly b/w col section dj fine $40.00 |
MBC120 Alexander, J J. Italian Renaissance Illuminations. 1977 Chatto Windus London a4 119pp wrappers PB faded spine vg $15.00 sold |
MBC122 Dunkerton, Jill et al Giotto to Durer Early Renaissance Painting in the National Gallery 1991 Yale UP National Gallery Publications 28 x 24cm 408pp lots of colour plates wrappers PB no dj very good $20.00 |
MBC123 Ing, Janet Johann Gutenberg and his Bible a historical study 1988 the typophiles New York a5- p154 typophile chapbook 58 untrimmed parchment like paper dj fine. $60.00 Sold |
MBC124 Diringer, David. The Book Before Printing, 1982 repro of ist 1953 called hand produced books Dover pub a5 pp603 plus adds PB no dj vg $20.00 sold |
Box 8 Libraries MBC124A Goodrum, Charles Treasures of the Library of Congress1980 harry abrams large a4 319pp b/w and colour plates dj sl rubbed otw fine. $40.00 |
MBC125 Harthan, John The History of the Illustrated Book 1981 Thames and Hudson 310 x 250mm 288pp cloth dj faded on spine otw fine. $36.00 |
MBC126 Kraus, H P Fifty Years An anniversary catalogue of 120 outstanding books sold from 1931 to 1982. 1982 Kraus 310 x 230mm 264 pp cloth dj faded otw fine $60.00 |
MBC127 Pierpoint Morgan Early Printed Books Major acquisitions of the Pierpoint Morgan Library 1924-1974 New York 290 x230mm unpaginated with 50 case studies PB wrappers with printed marbled ep vg $35.00 |
MBC128 Pierpoint Morgan Mediaeval and Renaissance Manuscripts Major acquisitions of the Pierpoint Morgan Library 1924-1974New York 290 x230mm 106pp PB wrappers with printed marbled ep vg $35.00 |
MBC129 Barker, Nicholas et al Treasures of the British Library 1988 British Library 300 x 200mm 272pp cloth with printed marbles end papers, colour plates dj fine $345.00 |
MBC130 Palmer, Richards and Brown, Michelle P eds Lambeth Palace Library Treasures from the collection of the Archbishops of Canterbury Scala ND 280 x 240mm 176pp colour plates cloth dj fine. $50.00 |
MBC131 Macdonald, Robert h. The Library of Drummond of Hawthornden 1971 Edinburgh U press 280 x 210mm 245 pp b/w illust cloth dj faded otw fine $42.00 |
MBC132 Rogers, David The Bodleian Library and its Treasures 1320-1700 1991 Aidan Ellis a4 p176pp mainly col illustrated cloth dj rubbed otw fine $36.00 |
MBC133 Anon A Treasure House of Books The Library of Duke August of Brunswick-wolfenbuttell An exhibition at the Grolier Club 1999 New York 1998 PB 280 x 220mm pp270 col plates fine $36.00 |
MBC135 George Fletcher, H ed. The Wormsley Library A personal selection by Sir Paul Getty KBE 1999 Wormsley Library a4 pp278 mainly colour plates PB fine $60.00 |
MBC136 Dickenson, Donald C Henry E Huntington’s Library of Libraries. 1995 Huntington Library Press a4 286 pp cloth dj fine $36.00 |
MBC136 Wormold and Wright the Engish llibrary before 1700 $40.00 |
Box 9 Bookbinding MBC139 Pearson, David English Bookbinding Styles 1450-1800 a handbook 2004 British Library and oak knoll a4 221pp mainly b/w with some colour paper covered boards fine $120.00 Reserved for Guild Library |
MBC140/41 VBG Victorian Bookbinders Guild Newsletters Volume 15 1996 compiles by John Willis Bound cloth MB. A4 about 100 pages vg $60.00 |
MBC142/3 Maggs Brothers Bookbinding in The British Isles Catalogue 1212 1996 Maggs Bros 2 volumes a4 Vol1 238pp Vol2 288 pages PB illustrated wrappers very good $90.00 Reserved for Guild Library |
MBC144 Needham, Paul Twelve Centuries of Bookbindings 400-1600 1979 Pierpoint Morgan Oxford UP 300 x 230mm 338pp PB wrappers cover grubby very good $96.00 |
MBC145 Laffitte, Marie-Pierre, and La Bars, Fabienne. Reliures Royales de la Renaissance La Library de Fontainebleau 1544-1570 1999 Bibliotheque nationale de France ar 248pp colour Plates cloth dj fine 360 eur 1999 $90.00 Reserved for Guild Library |
MBC146 Nixon, Howard M Five Centuries of English Bookbinding 1978 scolar press a4 241pp B/w pates dj chipped fine $60.00 Reserved for the VBG library |
MBC147 Nixon, Howard M British Bookbindings in the Westminster Abbey Library presented bg Kenneth H Oldaker to the Chapter Library of Westminster Abbey 1982 Maggs Bros a4 159pp b/w plates no dj cloth boards fine $40.00 Reserved for Guild Library |
MBC148 Nixon, Howard M English Restoration Bookbindings Samuel Mearne and his contemporaries 1974 British Museum Publications A4 48pp text 126 plates b/w full page each full colour frontis bookplate reference library of Francis Edwards Ltd not for sale bought from Maggs notes fromMB for runnings and tools see southerbys binding sale pp53-55 no dj mylar wrapper fine $120.00 Reserved for Guild Library |
MBC150 Thompson, Elbert a and Lawrence S Fine Binding In America The Story of the CLUB Bindery 1956 Beta Phi Mu A5 pp51 cloth leather spine strip very good. $25.00 |
MBC151 The British Museum Bookbindings from the library of Jean Grolier a loan exhibition 23-09 to 31-10 1965 Trustees of the British Museum a5 75pp text 12 plates of tools 138 plates of bindings ALL B/W COLOUR FRONTIS bookplate Geoffrey Ashall Glaister no dj mylar wrapper fine $60.00 Reserved for Guild Library |
MBC152 Cockerell, Douglas Bookbinding and the care of Books fifth ed a5 345pp $25.00 sold |
MBC153 Howe, Ellic The London Bookbinders 1780-1806 1988 Merrion press London a5 182pp dj faded on spine otw fine $35.00
Reserved for Guild Library |
MBC154 The Arts Council An exhibition of Modern and French Bindings fro the collection of Major J R Abbey 1949 the arts council a5 31pp no dj wrappers good stlg 22 in 94 $30.00 Reserved for Guild Library |
Boxes 10-13 MBC 155 Alan Thomas The Book Collector 44 volumes from vol 1 1 year per volumes, half leather by MB, cloth sides and gold tooling on spines 4 boxes. $1000.000
Box 15 Willliam Blake MBC156
Sir Geoffrey Keynes, ed William Blakes water colours illustrating the Poems of Thomas Gray J Philip Oharar Chicago 1972 a4 pp32 plus 32 b/w pages plates. DJ fine $100.00
MBC157 Gilchrist, Alexander, Life of William Blake London Dent and sons 1942 good $10.00 |
MBC158 Kathleen Raine, William Blake 156 plates 28 in colour pb Thames and Hudson 1974 fair $15.00 |
MBC159 James Thorpe, William Blake Songs of Innocence and of Experience, Huntington Library California 1975 Illustrated a5 single section card cover reproductions of the original in the Huntington Library 31pp full colour plates. $30.00 |
MBC160 Wilson, Mona, the life of William Blake Oxford PB 1971 VG $15.00 |
MBC161 Keynes, Geoffry. Blake Complete Writings oxford PB 1972 a5 944pp Good $15.00 |
MBC162 Bronowski, J William Blake and the Age of Revolution. routledge &kegan London 1971 a5 pp207 PB very good $20.00 Sold |
MBC 163 Martin, Butlin William Blake a complete Catalogue of the works in the Tate Gallery Tate Gallery Publications 1957 VG dustjacket $30.00 |
MBC 164 Milton Klonsky, William Blake, the seer and his visions harmony new york 1977 139pp with 104 pages of illustrations a4 PB $30.00 |
Galleries from 2015 and earlier
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